Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Outliers Blog 1

Hello my name is Abdulla Kahil. I'm a student in Mr.Dunn's English class. Today I will be blogging about the first chapter I completed in the book Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. Outliers is a book about success and how we view it. The fisrt chapter of the book talks about how a few Italians from an uphill village called Roseto immigrated to America to seek hope. After a few years passed, more and more Rosetans came to America until they formed a town on a hill and named it Roseto in Pennsylvania. There was something about Roseto that caught the eye of a physician named Stewart Wolf. The people in Roseto were very healthy and very few had heart disease, a common thing in America. Wolf began to investigate and decided to look at some of the death certificates. Most of the Rosetans died of old age, not diseases and heart attacks. Roseto was an Outlier.